Fisher-Riley Forest

Fisher-Riley Forest, located east of Kaitaia between Duncan and Fisher-Riley Roads offers scale, sustainability, and income potential through production forestry and carbon credits.

With a net stocked area of 324 hectares, most of which were established in 2022, the forest also includes areas of second-rotation Pinus Radiata plantings from 2023 and 2024, with some pockets of mature stands being retained by the vendor by way of a short-term cutting right.

With 89.6 hectares already registered in the ETS under “Stock Change” with the balance being 233.1 hectares under application for “Averaging,” this forest represents a strong and diversified carbon income potential.

Situated on easy to moderate contour with low environmental risk, Fisher-Riley’s land use classes of 4 and 6 further enhance its long-term sustainability.

Strategically located, the forest offers both export and domestic options with JNL Triboard and Sawmill Kaitaia, just an 18 km cart and North Port 188 km from the forest gate.

Fisher-Riley Forest is for sale by way of two stage tender with the first non-binding stage closing 19th November 2024 and the second binding Tender stage closing 16th December 2024 at 2pm.