Heritage Forest - Forest Right

Heritage Forest, located on Tupeka West Road, west of Lawrence is a substantial Pinus radiata forest with a majority of the 426 net stocked hectares established in 2024. The young age class is complemented by various mid rotation stands totaling 130 hectares with an age class range of 1998 to 2022, of which 10.6 hectares is minor species.

The forest currently has 105.6 hectares registered in the ETS under Stock Change with a further 287.7 currently being registration in the ETS under Averaging. Heritage forest has low environmental risk and has land use class 6 with a small area of 3 allowing for majority ground based harvest.

Located just 53km from the domestic Gorton Timber Sawmill, Milton and Panpac mill, Milburn, while Stuarts Timber in Tapanui is only 59.4 kms cart. The export option is a 115km cart to Port Chalmers Dunedin.

Being a part of a wider forest Estate for sale in the region Heritage can be purchased separately or as part of the wider Southern Estate. Being sold by way of Two Stage Tender with the first non-binding stage closing 19th November and the second formal Tender stage closing 16th December 2024.

For full information including access to the dataroom contact George Searle or Todd Buchanan at NZ Forest Sales.