Rutherford Forest
Rutherford Forest, located on Rutherford Road, southwest of Waitahuna, being a net stocked area of 294.9 hectares of Pinus radiata forest was established predominantly over the 2021 to 2023 seasons.Additionally, Rutherford has 26.3 hectares of Macrocarpa along with 8.9 hectares planted in a mix of native species however further planting, of an production species, through this could be a viable option.
The forest has a total of 271.2 hectares registered in the ETS. 36 hectares of the area is registered under Stock Change with 235.17 hectares registered under averaging. Rutherford has a low environmental risk profile sitting on mainly LUC 6 with small area of 3.
Located 39 km from Pan Pac, Milburn, and Gorton Timber Sawmill at Milton or alternatively 95km to Stuarts Timber, Tapanui make for an economical cart with Port Chalmers, the export option, being 101km.
Being a part of a wider forest Estate for sale in the region Rutherford can be purchased separately or as part of the wider Southern Estate. Being sold by way of Two Stage Tender with the first non-binding stage closing 19th November and the second formal Tender stage closing 16th December 2024.
For full information including access to the dataroom contact George Searle or Todd Buchanan at NZ Forest Sales